How to draw a snowflake
Today, Easy To Draw Everything will show you how to draw a snowflake easier than ever. In addition, we will share with those who love the shape of snowflakes extremely interesting and useful information about them.
Easy way to draw a snowflake
Step 01:
Step 02:
Step 03:
Step 04:
Step 05:
Step 06:
Step 07:
Step-by-step easy snowflake drawing:
How are snowflakes created? – Interesting things about snowflake
There must be pollen or dust in the air for snow to form
The first step in snowflake formation is a drop of extremely cold water freezing on a grain of pollen or dust in the sky. The water vapor will then gradually freeze on this ice crystal as it falls to the ground. As a result, a 6-pointed snowflake was born.
All snowflakes have 6 petals
Snowflakes form from frozen water. Water molecules are shaped like the letter V, so when they align and freeze together, they create a hexagonal shape.
When more water molecules are added to a snowflake, they are added evenly to the hexagon, so the shape does not change. The snowflake will increase in size while retaining its six petals.
No two snowflakes are exactly alike
Each snowflake follows a different path from the sky to the ground, so they encounter different atmospheric conditions on the way down. Therefore, snowflakes have different shape characteristics.

Temperature Influence
The shape of a snowflake can vary depending on the temperature. At higher sub-freezing temperatures, snowflakes tend to form more plate-like or simpler structures, while at lower temperatures, they can develop more intricate and elaborate patterns.
The study of snowflakes, or “snowflake morphology,” was pioneered by Wilson Bentley in the late 1800s. Known as “Snowflake Bentley,” he was one of the first to photograph snowflakes, demonstrating their unique beauty and complexity.