Surprising facts about rhinos:
1. Although there is quite bad vision, but in return, the rhino has very good smell. In addition, they also have the ability to recognize each other by smell, because each individual will have a unique smell.
2. Each adult rhino will sleep about 8 hours a day, equal to an adult. However, the rhino has the ability to sleep even while standing.
3. Rhino is one of the three species of mammals in the world that cannot jump.
4. Rhino is the only wild animal not afraid of fire. Instead of running away, they will rush towards the fire if they accidentally see them. Of course, those were small fires, not big fires like wildfire…
5. Although very thick, but rhino skin is extremely sensitive and can be…sunburned.
6. Although the weight can be up to 2 tons, but the rhino is not slow, even they own a high speed of 48-64 km/h.
7. Baby rhinos will never leave their mothers when they are less than 3 years old.
8. Rhino horn is composed mainly of keratin – a substance similar to human hair and nails, absolutely no medicinal value.
Easy to draw a rhino
Together we learned interesting facts about Rhinos. So let’s learn how to draw a rhino together!
Step 01:
Step 02:
Step 03:
Step 04:
Step 05:
Step 06:
Step 07:
Step 08:
Step 09:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12: