Cute airplane drawing

Table of Contents

How to draw an airplane drawing

Easy to draw a cute airplane

Step 01:

Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 1


Step 02:

Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 2


Step 03:

Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 3


Step 04:

Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 4


Step 05:

Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 5


Step 06:

Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 6


Step 07:

Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 7



Learn easy to draw cute airplane drawing 8


Step-by-step cute airplane drawing:

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History of airplane

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds. This is shown in myths with characters who can fly thanks to adding wings. Over thousands of years, people have made constant efforts to create flying objects, from the first rudimentary kite, to hot air balloons, to today’s modern supersonic aircraft. .

One of the first examples of man-made flying objects was the kite. This was a Chinese invention several hundred years BC and gradually became popular around the world.

The first airplane design drawing probably belonged to artist Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century. His drawings were quite advanced and detailed compared to that time, but there was not enough scientific basis to prove these planes. That plane, if built, will be able to fly. Leonardo da Vinci only stopped at designs and did not try to manufacture them.

By the 18th century, the hot air balloon was invented and became the first manned flying object in history. Hot air balloons could use hot air or hydrogen at that time. Hot air balloons can fly freely or be anchored and controlled by ropes. At this time, theories of fluid dynamics and Newton’s laws were developed, laying the foundation for the development of modern aerodynamic theory. Hot air balloons are still used today, most commonly for the purpose of visiting a tourist destination from above.

Humans are constantly researching to create objects that fly heavier than air. Many experiments with gliders laid the foundation for aircraft manufacturing.

December 17, 1903 marked the beginning of world aviation when the Wright brothers successfully flew the first flight in 12 seconds and traveled a distance of 37 meters. The flight of the Wright brothers turned man’s dream of flying into reality. Although it required the aid of a platform for takeoff and landing was difficult, it was the first aircraft that was heavier than air, used an engine and was controlled by a person sitting on it.

Today, with the advancement of science and technology, airplanes are becoming more and more modern. The aircraft’s speed gradually increased to reach the sonic threshold and then supersonic. Airplane materials are also being improved to become lighter and more durable to be able to carry large loads. Airplanes are occupying an important position in transporting goods and passengers around the world. Protection Status Copyright ©2020 by EasyDrawEverything.Com