The ice king is a fictional character in the American animated series Adventure Time. An evil magician capable of creating and manipulating ice and snow, he is the self-proclaimed king of the Ice Kingdom, a land of ice that he claims to be the place where he lives in his company. many penguins. Although technically a villain, he sometimes helps the main characters and is the protagonist of several episodes that focus on his struggle or storyline. The character is voiced by Tom Kenny.
Originally described as a funny, two-dimensional villain above his head, attempting to kidnap Princess Bubblegum on a regular basis, the character’s character is later expanded, suggesting he is an old man. kind but misunderstood with moral feelings completely misunderstood. and social behavior, suffering from loneliness and memory loss. The following seasons revealed his tragic plot, revealing that he was once a good person named Simon Petrikov, who has lost his mind, memories and loved ones brought by the magical crown. Give him the power of ice again.
Do you want to draw the ice king?
I know once you’ve found this, your purpose is to learn how to draw the ice king. In this post, I will give you an easy drawing tutorial, 10 steps of easy the ice king drawing guide for beginners:
Step 01:
Step 02:
Step 03:
Step 04:
Step 05:
Step 06:
Step 07:
Step 08:
Step 09:
Step 10: